Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Holistic healing recognize you as a whole person: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual in order to achieve higher levels of wellness and prevent disease. You become an active participant in your health decisions and healing processes, including wellness-oriented lifestyle choices. Some holistic healing methods are: biofeedback, photopuncture, detoxification, essential oils, and sound healing. Because holistic healing methods are gentle and non-invasive, holistic healing can be the most conservative, as well as most effective, type of healing you could receive.
Holistic healing does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, mitigate, or cure any medical or psychological conditions. Holistic healing methods help reduce stress, pain, and inflammation, and promote circulation and cellular regeneration, all of which support your body’s ability to heal itself.
Physical, emotional, or chemical stress can be the underlying cause of most health issues. Relieving these stresses with gentle, non-invasive, holistic healing can help you heal and function as close to 100% as possible as explained at How Did I get Sick?.
The initial appointment includes a review of your health goals, a L.I.F.E. Session, and an IonCleanse® . A plan of action is then formulated using a combination of Healing Services as described at that link. Most people feel calm and relaxed during and after the session.
People very often will experience less pain, more energy, better sleep, less stress, and a greater sense of well-being. These changes may be noticed immediately or within a few sessions. The number and frequency of sessions vary from one individual to another. The changes may be permanent or may require maintenance sessions.
Comfort and convenience of receiving services privately at home
Reduced exposure to infectious diseases
No need to travel in inclement weather
No need to take time off from work and no expense of childcare
Financial savings from self care between appointments
Reduced anxiety and more relaxed interaction between client and practitioner
Greater access to holistic healing methods for people in rural areas or without transportation
Greater independence, self-empowerment, and control over one’s own health
A L.I.F.E. session can identify areas under stress that might cause health problems in the future. Holistic healing helps support these areas so you can function as close to 100% as possible in order to attain a level of good health you might not otherwise experience.
Occasionally, as can happen with many other healing methods, it is possible to experience a brief temporary aggravation of health concerns before improvement.
Because only some insurance companies offer very limited benefits for holistic healing, I do not accept insurance assignment.
The information, services, and products on this web site are not intended for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment, mitigation or cure of any medical or psychological conditions,