Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Medical experts - American Medical Association, Surgeon General, National Institutes of Health, Center for Disease Control, Johns Hopkins and Mayo Clinic - agree as many as 80% of all health concerns are caused by stress. In today's modern society you are constantly subjected to three kinds of stress: physical (from accidents, injuries, poor sleep, and exposure to adverse weather), chemical (from air, food, water, pharmaceutical, electromagnetic, and internally generated pollution), emotional (from relationships with family, friends, and co-workers).
As stress accumulates, your body reaches a breaking point and develops symptoms, such as: headaches, fatigue, neck and back pains, allergies, digestive problems, disturbed sleep, and negative emotions. You may have learned to live with your symptoms, accepting that you have "normal" headaches, "normal" back pain, or "normal" PMS. These problems may be "common," but they are not “normal." "Normal" is when your body functions as close to 100% as possible.
Only when symptoms interfere with our work or play do we seek help from a doctor. The conventional doctor administers tests and matches the test results with a medication. Often, the drug only controls the symptoms. If you had chronic indigestion, you might take an antacid for relief after eating but you may experience indigestion again after the next meal. The drug temporarily alleviated your symptoms but did not correct the cause of your problem, your stomach's inability to function properly.
Symptoms are a signal that your body has been stressed and unable to function properly for some time. Our society's emphasis has been on managing symptoms rather than emphasizing the reduction of stress. Health can be achieved and maintained when your emphasis shifts from simply managing symptoms to relieving the underlying physical, chemical, or emotional stresses that cause the problem.
Your body has an amazing natural ability to maintain normal function. This ability is demonstrated whenever you cut yourself. Automatically, the blood coagulates, the wound closes and the skin regenerates. Your body heals itself from the injury, usually without a scar.
Applying holistic healing methods can relieve the harmful stresses underlying your symptoms, thereby correcting the cause of your problem, supporting your natural ability to heal and function as close to 100% as possible, and restoring the quality of your life..
The information, services, and products on this web site are not intended for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment, mitigation or cure of any medical or psychological conditions,