Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Using today's modern technology, you can save time and money by receiving holistic healing remotely in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Medical experts agree as many as 80% of all health concerns are caused by stress. In today's modern society we are constantly subjected to three kinds of stress: physical (from accidents and injuries), emotional (from relationships), and chemical (from air, food, water and internally generated pollution).
Through private, interactive Telehealth Sessions, the L.I.F.E Biofeedback System can help you identify, understand, and resolve the underlying physical, emotional, or chemical stresses that may be causing your health concern.
In these personal, one-on-one, online holistic healing sessions, you will also learn how to use a $2.00 app for your phone or tablet that can help you resolve 90 common health concerns, help your body function better, and help you regain and maintain wellness.
In follow-up sessions, the L.I.F.E. System can remotely monitor your progress, support your efforts, and help you achieve and maintain a level of health you might not otherwise experience.
The information, services, and products on this web site are not intended for the diagnosis, prescription, treatment, mitigation or cure of any medical or psychological conditions,