Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
Holistic Healing - Telehealth - Health Products
The L.I.F.E. biofeedback system scans your body, identifies your main areas of physical, chemical, or emotional stress, and delivers healthy frequencies to reduce those stresses.
Blue or red visible light applied to energy points on your body can help reduce stress, pain and inflammation, and promote circulation and cellular regeneration for healing.
The IonCleanse® Premier removes accumulated toxins from your body, through the large pores on the bottom of your feet, in order to help all systems of your body function properly.
The sound vibration from special tuning forks of various frequencies can help reduce stress, pain, and inflammation, and promote circulation.
Using today's modern technology, you can save time and money by receiving holistic healing remotely in the comfort of your own home.
Learn how to use a $2.00 phone app to resolve common health concerns and maintain wellness for yourself and your family.
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